Chief Welcome

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Chief Welcome

It is an honor and privilege to serve as Riverdale’s Fire Chief. The outpouring of support and encouragement I have received from everyone humbles me. The members of the Riverdale Fire Department and I are here to serve the public to the best of our ability. The Riverdale Fire Department is comprised of highly trained professionals who are equipped to respond to almost any public safety emergency. Our department is an all-hazards organization, providing a broad array of emergency services.

These include structural and wildland fire response, EMS life support, technical rescue operations, and hazardous materials handling. We respond to almost 4,000 services calls annually with a goal of being on the scene within 5 minutes of alarm notification.
As Chief, lam constantly seeking to enhance our services, increase efficiency, and ensure the safety of both the community and our firefighting staff. We remain focused on optimal use of resources and opportunities. We’ve embarked on cooperative endeavors with neighboring fire agencies to achieve cost savings and enhance efficiency.
As servants of the community, it is our goal to have an open line of communication with the people we serve. The Riverdale Fire Department will utilize a variant of means to accomplish this goal through our department’s website, public speaking engagements, and having an open-door policy at our firehouse. Please feel free to contact us and let us know how we can better serve you and our community!

Jon Bruce
Fire Chief
708-849-2122, ext 3800